Friday, August 3, 2007


kaare,geedi noo keenay!





a system of sharia-based Islamic courts became the main judicial system, funded through fees paid by litigants. Over time the courts began to offer other services such as education and health care. The courts also acted as local police forces, being paid by local businesses to reduce crime. The Islamic courts took on the responsibility for halting robberies and drug-dealing, as well as stopping the showing of what it claims to be pornographic films in local movie houses. Somalia is almost entirely Muslim, and these institutions initially had wide public support. The early years of the courts include such outfits as Sheikh Ali Dheere's, established in north Mogadishu in 1994 and the Beled Weyene court initiated in 1996. They soon saw the sense in working together through a joint committee to promote security. This move was initiated by four of the courts - Ifka Halan, Circolo, Warshadda and Hararyaale - who formed a committee to co-ordinate their affairs, to exchange criminals from different clans and to integrate security forces. In 1999 the group began to assert its authority. Supporters of the Islamic courts and other institutions united to form the ICU, an armed militia. In April of that year they took control of the main market in Mogadishu and, in July, captured the road from Mogadishu to Afgoi.[5] Their system of government, controlled by judges, is known as a krytocracy.

ethpianka iyo hubkooda:

1)Nearly 20 Ethiopian tanks were seen heading toward the front line. According to government sources Ethiopia has 20 T-55 tanks and four attack helicopters in Baidoa. The tanks were reported to be splitting into two groups heading towards fighting in Daynuunay and Iidale.[24] Ethiopia may have as many as 50 tanks and other armored vehicles in the country.[25]
2)Ethiopian cargo ship that was probably carrying tank parts and other military equipment had left a North Korean port.
The value of the shipment is unclear, but Ethiopia purchased $20 million worth of arms from North Korea in 2001, according to American estimates, a pattern that officials said had continued. The United States gives Ethiopia millions of dollars of foreign aid and some nonlethal military equipment.
3)PM Geedi arriving with a procession of 40 Ethiopian tanks .
4)The report of the Monitoring Committee revealed that “On 29 August 2006, 607 (AK47 rifles 400 units, PKM “ 200 units and RPG “ 07 units) assorted units of weapons and communication equipments from Ethiopia were delivered in Galkayo by road  On 30 August 2006, Ethiopian military units arrived in the border town of Balanbale in the Galgaduud region. They met few selected individuals and later on handed over the following weapons: PKM 05 units; RPG 05 units; AK47 assault rifles 230 units; hand grenades (F1) 1000 units On 24 May 2006, the Ethiopian military sent a large consignment of ammunition, including small arms ammunition, to former Jowhar warlord Mohamed Dheere  Mohamed Qanyare, warlord  received AK 47 assault rifles 90 units and 20 boxes of ammunition, PKM machine guns 30 units and 35 boxes of ammunition, RPG 2 total of 140 units of ammunition for RPG 2 and RPG 7, and rifle fired grenades 80 units, and land mines 200 units; Abdi Qeybdiid, former warlordheld talks with Ethiopian military in Goday (Zone 5), Ethiopia, and following the talks received arms, uniforms, trucks”

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